Recovering From Eating Disorders

Eating disorders are not only sickness among adults, alarmingly 15 percent of young women shows eating disorders. When put into numbers, that would be 1 out of 100 American women have eating disorders. Males are also not left out, about 5 to 10 percent of anorexics and bulimics are males.

The sad thing is that these figures are the reported ones, a large number of eating disorders cases remain unreported. Therefore, the numbers are deemed to increase. This is because of media hype about standards of beauty. Sadly, the idea of is that “thin is beautiful.” Because of this influence in pop culture, women would have to conform to be accepted in social circles. As young as 1st, 2nd and 3rd graders are already thinking or being afraid of getting fat.

For an individual to recover from eating disorders, it would be an emotional and long process. Suffering from eating disorders can be because of physical, mental or psychological problems. As part of the recovery plan, it is important for the individual to consult a psychiatrist or a therapist. There are different types of eating disorders, whether it is anorexia, bulimia or binge eating, it is very important to get professional help.

Getting psychological assistance would help the individual to identify the reasons why he or she view their body in a negative way. Another reason can be biological factors. There are eating disorders that are genetic just like Prader-Willi Syndrome.

Not like dieting or treatment of any kind of disease, there are no specific period how long would be the recovery period. It depends on every individuals attitude, case and speed of improvement. Experts would recommend different things that could ensure and speed up recovery.

• Be comfortable and love yourself. Individuals who are suffering from eating disorders would have low self-esteem and confidence. They are also not content with their body shape and show that in their attitude. Starting to love yourself would encourage you to rest and exercise more and eat healthier foods.

• Start the healing process by clearing your closets or removing this around the house which can dampen your spirits and emotions. You could make friends or relationships with people that lead a healthy lifestyle so your would be able to adopt their habits.

• Another part of the healing process is forgiving. Eating disorders could be because of a traumatic experience which left a huge impact on how the individual view and value herself. It is important to forgive other people and yourself.

• Find a creative outlet or you can start getting involved in some physical activities like camping or walking to clear your mind and at the same boost or increase your energy. Some eating disorder sufferers also lack energy because of little physical activity.

• Get the support you need. A recovering eating disorder patient would need to surround herself with positive people. Aside from that it is important that they get the support from friends, family, relatives and loved ones. If they cannot give you the understanding and support you need, there are support groups which would be very happy to help and accommodate you. There can be members who have undergone the same problem but were able to overcome it, you could learn so much from their experiences and how they dealt with their issues.


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