What Should A Parent Watch Out For?

We can never deny the possibility that one or two of your children may suffer from eating disorders. Seeing our son or daughter not eating anything and shedding out pounds in a short period of time, or seeing them eat everything is a very worrisome sight to see.

Knowing the signs and symptoms of eating disorders makes it easy for you to spot the problem on your kids and implement the right treatment method to get it out of their system fast; rather than slowly noticing the disease when it is already too late.

Change In Their Eating Habits

One sign of eating disorder is the sudden or gradual change in their eating habits. Individuals suffering from anorexia nervosa might stop eating that comes with their drive to lose weight and get back their lost self-esteem, even when they are already in their normal weight level.

Bulimia nervosa is the opposite -- individuals under this condition indulge in overeating, mostly in secret, to avoid embarrassment. Overweight and obesity coupled with cardiovascular problems are common signs of this eating disorder.

Observing Your Daughter

Females are more prone to eating disorders than males. Medical survey shows that 7 out of 10 eating disorder problems are attributed to women than men. One reason for this is that females are more susceptible to emotional and behavioral changes, as well as being overly conscious with their physical outlook.

If your daughter has stopped eating as their weight loss solution, and scantly eating for months, then you can be sure that they are already suffering from eating disorder. But this doesn’t stop there; females might still think that they are huge even if they are below the average weight, so they would most likely continue to stop eating until they get over their low self-esteem problems.

Overeating And Excessive Exercise

If your son or daughter is suffering from the bulimia nervosa eating disorder, then overeating is a simple sign you can watch out for. But another manifestation attributed to excessive eating is the compulsion to lose weight through excessive physical exercise.

Most feel ashamed of this condition and will try their best to get rid of the evidence by indulging in strenuous physical exercise to lose weight fast. The only problem with this is that they will still continue with their eating habits and find that their solution to weight loss is rendered ineffective. They will just keep on doing it just to get rid of the depression and anxiety that comes with being heavy with no visible results.

Eating Even When Not Hungry

People suffering from binge eating or bulimia nervosa are prone to eat even when they are not hungry. It's normal to overeat when you're hungry but eating still when you're stomach is still full is purely another matter entirely.

Try to observe your son or daughter's eating habits, especially after regular meal time. If they tend to eat more in between meals then they are surely suffering from this condition, especially if this is a daily habit.

Desperate In Purging

People with eating disorders are prone to bouts of desperate purging -- especially those who are suffering from binge eating or bulimia nervosa. They usually take laxatives or herbal supplement to help them get rid of the waste and food inside their bodies. This is mostly done in secret and tries to repeat the process in random intervals until they feel satisfied -- which usually end up in more eating sessions afterwards when they start to feel empty or visited by the urge to binge.

Quick Treatment

Parents should be very observant with the above signs and symptoms of eating disorders if they don’t want to put their children's health in danger. It is possible for anorexia nervosa patients to suffering from weakness and fatigue that comes with the lack of nutrients in their body -- as well as being prone to diseases that can easily attack them in their weakened state. Obese and overweight individual are prone to high-blood pressure, body pains, muscle spasm, cardiovascular problems, or cancer if left unchecked.

It is essential that you are quick to react to these signs and confront your son and daughter regarding their eating disorder. After all, acceptance is one way to get rid of the problem and can pave a way for effective treatment to get rid of it before it has a permanent hold on you.


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